• Basic course on electrical safety
  • Specialist course on electrical safety
  • Training course on electromedical equipment



Basic course on electrical safety

The course is aimed at paramedics: nurses, laboratory technicians, medical radiology technicians, maintenance service technicians and all electromedical equipment operators. It consists of a number of hours in the classroom and a number of hours in the laboratory and is divided as follows:

School subject Classroom Lab Total
Notions of elementary physics 4 4 8
Notions of electronics 8 4 12
Notions of digital electronics 4 4 8
Computer science 4   4
Electromedical equipment 24 10 34
Electrophysiology 4   4
Electrocution accident statistics 2   2
Legal aspects 4   4
Correct use of equipment 4   4

DURATION OF WEEKLY COURSE n° 2 Weeks (8 hours a day)
DURATION OF EVENING COURSE n° 8 Weeks (2 hours from 18.00 to 20.00) from Monday to Friday
MINIMUM n° 20 Partecipants.


Specialist course on electrical safety

The course is aimed at medical radiology technicians, physiotherapy technicians and specialist technicians in assistance to electromedical equipment. For radiology technicians, the course is preparatory to the preparation for the exams of "medical radiology technician". It consists of a number of hours in the classroom and a number of hours in the laboratory and is divided as follows:

School subject Classroom Lab Total
General physics 30 20 50
Computer science 10   10
Radiological equipment 80 20 100
Equipment in the operating room 20   20
Therapy equipment 20 8 28
Instrumentation 4 4 8
Electrophysiology 16   16
Electromagnetism in medicine 16   16
Electrocution accident statistics 4   4
Legal aspects - liability 8   8
Correct use of equipment 20 16 36
Psychology in the healthcare environment 4   4
Fault case studies 8   8
Fault detection method 4 4 8

DURATION OF WEEKLY COURSE n° 8 Weeks (8 hours a day)
DURATION OF EVENING COURSE n° 32 Weeks (2 hours from 18.00 to 20.00) from Monday to Friday
MINIMUM n° 20 Partecipants.


Training course on electromedical equipment

The course is aimed at all operators and technicians who use electromedical equipment, it converges on the more detailed knowledge of the equipment and their correct functioning. It is integrated with medical information related to the specific functionality.

School subject Classroom Lab Total
General physics 30 20 50
Computer science 10   20
Equipment for Radiology, Cardiology, Physiotherapy, Ultrasound for Diagnostics and Therapy, Gastroenterology, Neurology, Nuclear Medicine 120 20 144
Equipment in the operating room 20   80
  20 8 28
Instrumentation 4 4 8
Electrophysiology 16   16
Electromagnetism in medicine 16   32
  4   14
Legal aspects - liability 8   8
Correct use of equipment 20 16 48
Psychology in the healthcare environment 4   8
Fault case studies 8   8
Fault Detection Method 4 4 8
  4   8

DURATION OF WEEKLY COURSE n° 12 Weeks (8 hours a day)
DURATION OF EVENING COURSE n° 48 Weeks (2 hours from 18.00 to 20.00) from Monday to Friday
MINIMUM n° 10 Partecipants.

an example of a certificate of attendance that is issued at the end of the course:

Our organization is working to establish some courses through the e-learning system. Interested parties may pass on any opinions by writing an email to the Bureau.



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